Tuesday, September 27, 2005

The Fire

Like I said in the introduction, I live in a tent now. It was easier living in the trailer. But the trailer got burned up.

My stupid boyfriend let his lit cigarette drop on the floor 'cause he fell asleep drunk. The whisky he got into was brand new, a 40 ouncer. He was chasing his 19 beers with it. Drank it straight out of the bottle. He crashed so the whisky just went chug-a-lug-a-chug out the bottle onto the floor. Son of a bitch. Then his cigarette dropped, still lit. You'd think the whisky would put the cig out. Nooo way. The cig landed on the empty plastic bag that I bought the cheesies in. The plastic started burning, the whisky got on the plastic and inflamed the fire.

Next thing you know, Mick was hollering, "Hey, open the window. It's hot." He never even opened his eyes to look what was happening.

I was having a smoke outside at the time. I heard him yelling, so I opened the trailer door to go inside. Wouldn't you know it - whoof - the damn door curtain caught on fire. It's supposed to be inflammable polyester, the curtain. What I saw was...the rug below Mick was burning, the floor was burning and now the door was burning.

I called, "Mick, Mick, what'd you do? Get up. Don't just sit there. Get out!" I didn't want to traipse across the fire to get him. I wanted to shake him. But all I could do was shout at him to get out.

He wasn't sure what I was saying at first. He was slouched way back in the arm chair with his eyes closed and he just kept mumbling, "Open the window, open the damn window."

I took my shoe off and threw it at his head. God, I was a good hit. He went, "Ouch, what the fuck was that?"

"Get up and get out, you idiot. The trailer's on fire!" I screamed.

He opened his eyes and went, "Huh? What the fuck?" And you never seen anyone jump up so fast. He leaped out of his chair, ran through the fire, pushed me aside, and jumped outside. Damn him. I had one shoe on and my hair almost got scorched by the fire. But I was quick too. I ran out after him.

You have to understand, all this happened real fast. In split seconds. That's why we didn't die in the fire. But you know what the bastard did soon as he got out? He didn't try to put the fire out, or get help. He took a piss. He ran over to the tree, pulled out his dick and took the longest piss you ever saw in your life.

So I shouted, "Help, help, our trailer is on fire. Help."

And the bastard hissed at me, "Shut up, woman. I'm taking a piss. Don't get everyone 'round to watch." Oooh, that made me so mad.

I'm not sure what happened next, but people gathered around. They stood watching, saying things like, "What do we do? Someone should put the fire out. Anyone call the fire department?"

By this time, Mick was done his business. So he said, "Anyone got a cell phone?" Someone gave him one. I thought, Good, at least he's taking command instead of just standing around like these other morons. But nooo. He didn't call the fire department. I heard him say,

"Hey honey, it's Mick. Listen, I'm just finishing up. Hear all the fuss happening here? Yeah, it was busy, but I'm coming home now." The bastard! He called his wife.

So everyone just stood there and watched my trailer burn.

After a while, a fire truck did show up. I guess someone had the good sense to call for help afterall. But it was too late. My trailer was done for. It was beyond repair. Everything inside got burned. My home went up in smoke because my stupid boyfriend got drunk. What'll I tell my husband? He's in Iraq, fighting the war. He don't know about Mick. And now the trailer.

I was so depressed and desperate. I got nothing left. Then a fireman walked by, inspecting the mess. "Trailer trash," I heard him say. Was he calling me trailer trash? Was he talking to me? I don't know any more. I am just so in despair. Oh dear lord. Please, drop kick me Jesus, through the goalposts of life. Cause I sure don't know the way.

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