Tuesday, September 27, 2005

What's This All About?

This blog has nothing to do with Bobbie Bare's song. I didn't even know Bobbie sang this song till I googled our blog title. Was I surprised to see someone else had already thought of the title, and wrote a song about it to boot. I had such faith in The Man to come up original ideas. So if you want to hear the song instead, go here.

And now, for our blog.

Drop Kick Me Jesus Through The Goalposts of Life is a mock blog, or blog fiction. It's like Fanfic, but we're creating the fic first.

The idea was inspired by The Man. His Australian cousin gave him a surfing T-shirt that said Drop In On Me Jesus. He wore that wherever he went. Later that same year, a British Columbian cousin sent him an e-mail with the return address grannywithatambourineforjesus@isp.com. He told people about that too, wearing his Drop In On Me Jesus T-shirt, wherever he went.

One day, when he was feeling particularly witty and daring, he told some friends about his big idea. The idea was, he would sell T-shirts with the phrase Drop Kick Me Jesus Through The Goalposts Of Life. Very clever.

But you know, The Man is full of ideas, just full of it. He talked and talked. The Woman heard his idea and The Cousin heard his idea. So they decided to do something about it.

This is the blog The Woman and The Cousin created to tell a story. When the story is told, they will sell T-shirts and mugs that say Drop Kick Me Jesus Through The Goalposts Of Life. And because they are nice people, they invited The Man to tell some of the story too.

The Fire is the our first mock post.

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