Thursday, May 04, 2006

Return of the Prodigal Daughter

I know. I've been away like forever. At least a few months. I got back yesterday. Billy just dumped me off his pickup at the park and here I am. I guess I'm glad to be home. But I'm really pissed off at everyone, even Sam and Leslie. Did you know that no one really noticed that I was gone, for months?

Sam and Leslie did notice, but they never bothered to look for me. They thought I was having an affair with Jon because they heard that Jon was having an affair. So they left it at that. There was an affair. But it wasn't me and Jon. Jon was having an affair with some other guy. I only found out about it today when Jon's mom told me. She noticed I hadn't been around, but Sam told her I was alright. Bitch.

Dean hadn't been paid for my site for months and he didn't think to find out what happened to me? He said he was keeping my spot because it wasn't like people were clammering to get into the park and my new trailer got delivered and was just sitting there in my space so he figured I'd show up sooner or later. Good thing he's not in the personal security business, he'd make a lousy bodyguard. But now that I'm back, I still owe him back rent. Fucking shit.

Turns out the only one who got kinda concerned, more like nosy, was Shannon. She even went into town once to see if she could bump into me. But didn't try too hard obviously. Not that I was in town. But still, what shit does one have to go through to get noticed?

But I'm not gonna let anything of this shit bother me. I'm above this petty mess now because I'm a new woman. How new? Well, let me tell you. Oh the shit I've been through.

Except I can't go into that now. I gotta go see Jesse. I gotta tell him Mitch really is dead now. Yeah, I seen him and talked to him. I might even have been the one who killed him. Is Jesse still even in jail? How come no one in the park knows?